Saturday, February 5, 2011

BERITA HARI INI: Kanak-kanak Malaysia, terhebat obesiti !

A nation of fat and small kids

ONE out of four children in the country is either overweight or obese. One out of three teenagers is overweight, while one out of six is obese.

It's no wonder Malaysia has earned a spot in the "World Map of Obesity".

Childhood obesity levels in Malaysia are higher than in most Asian countries as well as developed nations such as Netherlands, the United Kingdom and Germany.

By Chandra Devi Renganayar and Sonia Ramachandran

Malaysia memang boleh segala benda. Bangga kah kita? 


  1. err memang boleh....
    bab bab ni sensetif tau...
    kan kena tangkap naye je..hehe

  2. Assalamualaikum

    huhhu ! MALAYSIA BOLEH !

  3. owh sampai kena tangkap ke? isu sebegini memang sensetif pun.. seberapa sensetifkah kita menangani masalah obesiti ini berbanding sensetif kita kepada keperlian yg kita terima?
